We Indians, as a people, have a short memory. Let us accept it.
First, we shed tears for our soldiers who lost their lives protecting us.
Then, we became ‘armchair Field Marshals’ and started advising the Armed Forces and the Government on what should have been done.
But do we even know a thing? No. We know zilch.
The grieving families are all over news channels, and it does not feel good one bit to see them in that state. The media should behave responsibly and respect the privacy of those families.
This saga continues for 2-3 days, and then nobody’s shedding tears anymore, nobody’s asking questions, the media is back to doing what it does best… The world moves on.
Is our patriotism short-lived? Is it only reserved for days like these when our soldiers are killed in action, or on National Holidays like Independence Day and Republic Day? People wear it on their sleeves and act like complete hooligans.
We proudly claim that India is a nation that personifies ‘Unity in Diversity’. But the nation only remembers its soldiers in times of trouble and turmoil. Do we ever spare a thought for their well-being? Ponder.
When celebrities die, almost everyone writes a ‘RIP’ post on their social networks. When soldiers/policemen die, there is not a single post of remembrance – a harsh reality that we would hate to be told of.
Are we, as citizens of our beloved nation, even worthy of these sacrifices?
Someone’s silently guarding us, risking his life in the harshest of environments, the deadliest of terrains. He probably doesn’t even know us. But he is there, undaunted, because he loves what’s behind him.
So, here's what we must remember:

Recent example is the killing of 8 brave Policemen in Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh and not an iota of tears was there by our fellow countrymen. Totally disheartened.